Everyone is all, 'oohhh Wolverine you're such a badass!' and daaaaang Pokemon, you sure are super. We can't seem to get enough of creatures — humanoid and otherwise — who possess amazing powers. I think there's a creeping part of every one of us that hopes a lil ol spider will give us a chomp and the next thing we know we'll be swinging around town from building to building with hot b*tches in our arms.
I mean, it sure beats the hell out of a swiveling office chair.
Anyway, we found this mildly annoying (watch it on mute the music if awful) but seriously fascinating video that rounds up the world's most superhero-esque animals. From cyanide spit to Alex Mack morphing magic...you won't believe the sh*t Mother Nature has come up with.
So get ahead and bask in some beautiful beasts below.